I made a remix of "Pentagrams All Up in My Bling Bling" for the Cuti Sadda album "Christmas". It features remixes by the likes of Cardopusher, Speedranch, ALF, Deleete, Bloodysnowman, and Pu22L3. It came out on Christmas so you can pick it up now by clicking here.
December 23rd, 2008
Video from Sweater Party up on the youtubes:
December 18th, 2008
Sweater Party Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
I'm excited about the upcoming sweater party for the Christmas Compilation "Oh Shit... it's Cristmas". Get all the info here: http://lowprolounge.com/osic/ or just click on the picture below:
December 9th, 2008
Pirate Cat Radio with Bloody Snowman and Pu22L3 on 12/15/08 at 8pm PST
I'm playin on Pirate Cat Radio with fellow Daly City pals Pu22L3 and Bloody Snowman this Monday. You can tune in to the radio if you live in or near San Francisco or you can listen online through the link at piratecatradio.com.
December 6th, 2008
"Let's be Friends" reviewed by Pirate Cat Radio
Pirate Cat Radio recently reviewed "Let's be Friend" as being a carefully constructed headache inducer. This pleases me. The review is below as well as a link to the review at pirate cat:
Michael Carter aka Preshish Moments makes his debut release on Daly City Records with “Lets Be Friends”, a hyper-active breakcore album laced with pop samples from the likes of Vanilla Ice, Mike Jones, Britney Spears, the Beatles and others. After listening to the whole thing, I got quite a headache, but I am impressed with the detail and care that was taken in creating this elaborate sound collage. I just don’t think this is the album for me. I’d rather listen to the pop songs. A few tracks did surprise me, however. “Dinner” put a smile on my face for it’s clever use of Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby” lyrics. This track was also one of the more minimal soundscapes on the album, which gave my brain a break for a second. “Emancipationed” offered a creepy mash of Britney Spears’ “Slave” and Bubba Sparxxxs’ “Ms. New Booty”. I also find it quite humorous to take Britney out of her pop context. So overall, if you are a breakcore fan, you just might like this album. It is well done and offers some clever tweaks and complicated beats. If you’re not a breakcore fan, you just might end up with a pulsating brain and the need for some advil.
December 5th, 2008
Oh Shit, The Christmas Album is up on 1320records.com
Daly City Records and Lowpro Lounge's Oh Shit, The Christmas Album is up on 1320records.com STS9's Record Label. All proceeds from this recording will be donated to The Non-Profit Association Conscious Alliance.
The Bay Area's Lowpro Lounge Recordings and Daly City Records would like for you to have this gift, from us to you. "Oh shit.... its Christmas!" a 9 track take on one of the most cherished of holiday traditions, the Christmas Album. Featuring tracks by Mochipet, J.Tonal, Preshish Moments, James Christopher + the Zaptap, Build 128, Majitope, Vladimir Computin, Bender and Bloody Snowman.
December 1st, 2008
Daly City Records and Lowpro Lounge Recordings Present:
"Oh Shit... it's Christmas"
The Bay Area's Lowpro Lounge Recordings and Daly City Records would like for you to have this gift, from us to you. "Oh shit.... its Christmas!" a 9 track take on one of the most cherished of holiday traditions, the Christmas Album. Featuring tracks by Mochipet, J.Tonal, Preshish Moments, James Christopher + the Zaptap, Build 128, Majitope, Vladimir Computin, Bender and Bloody Snowman.
All proceeds from this recording will be donated to The Non-Profit Association Conscious Alliance.
Download the Album here:
November 12th, 2008
"Let's be Friends" reviewed by [030] in Berlin
I recently got reviewed by [030] in Berlin. It seems like it's focused on Shredder being DIY and whatnot. click on the picture or click here to go to the review. I've pasted the text below for those who might want it:
Mensch baut Maschine
Du stehst auf das ganz besondere elektronische Etwas? Du kannst es gar nicht ab, wenn dein extravaganter Musikgeschmack ein breiteres Publikum erreicht? Dann haben wir hier genau das Richtige. Garantiert Mainstream frei. Willkommen in der Welt des Amerikaners Michael Carter.
Weder die neuesten Hardware Trends, noch das vielfältige Angebot heutiger Klangsoftware lösen bei dem 26-jährigen Kalifornier Jubelschreie aus. 100% DIY. Der gelernte Sound-Designer hat sich eigenhändig mit Lötkolben und Schrauber ans Werk gemacht, um im Schweiße seines Angesichts das für ihn perfekte Instrument zu basteln. Gelangweilt von den gängigen Klangerzeugern und der daraus resultierenden Vereinheitlichung elektronischer Musikproduktionen, begab sich der Bastler auf die Suche nach dem wahren Preshish Moment. Im Stile seiner Vorbilder Squarepusher und Aphex Twin ist das Ergebnis verstörend und faszinierend zugleich. Der Sound seiner Musicbox, eine Verkettung aus Hip Hop, Jungle, Breakcore und allerlei Cypernoise, gehört nicht gerade zu den gängigen Hörpräferenzen des Otto Normal Verbrauchers. Das aber macht die Sache für jene spannend, denen allgegenwärtiges 08/15 Gedudel prinzipiell schon mal auf die Nerven geht. Der Welt da draußen sei gesagt: Öfter mal was Neues ausprobieren. Auch für die Ohren. Preshish Moments wäre ein Anfang. Und was für einer.
November 5th, 2008
"Let's be Friends" reviewed by Staf Magazine in Spain
I just found a review of "Let's be Friends" in the October issue of Staf Magazine. The magazine looks cool and has lot's of great pictures in it. I don't speak Spanish so I can't read the articles or my review, but I've retyped it below for those who do speak Spanish. I've also provided a link to the page in the magazine with the review (just click on the picture).
Casi todo lo que sale de la factoria de Daly City la verdad es que se merece la mayor de las atenciones por mi parte. Sello subterraneo proveniente de la ciudad donde disfrutar los mejores downhills es decir San Francisco. Nos Vuelven a deleitar una vez mas con este album de debut de preshish moments ganador de la ultima battle de laptops y machina music celebrada en SF. Lo que te encontraras en este disco en primer termino Hip Hop de gusto por el glitch pero sin olvidarse de toques emparentados con el Pop, el Breakcore, el House, el Noise y demas... Por cierto no te pierdas su maquina de madera para ejercer los controles sobre los ritmos, verdadera maravilla del Bending. Toda una delicia de los ritmos entrecortados y del gusto por la electronica bien aprovechada. No lo dudes y teclea en tu buscador favorito "Daly City Records"
November 3rd, 2008
"Let's be Friends" reviewed by Octopus in France
"Let's be Friends was recently reviewed in the french online magazine Octopus. It's all in french so I'm not completely sure what it says but it seems like they liked it. I've posted the review below as well as a link to the review in the magazine.
> Preshish Moments / Let's Be Friends (Daly City Records / Import)
Comme tous les amateurs de breakcore ludique et d'électronica tordue le savent, Daly City est un label sanfranciscain de référence, dont les principaux atouts se nomment Mochipet ou Bloody Snowman. Il faudra désormais rajouter à la liste, le dénommé Michael Carter, plus connu sous le nom de Preshish Moments. Mélangeant allégrement une quantité de styles impressionnantes, allant du hip-hop au breakcore, en passant par le dubstep, la pop hybride (écoutez "Emancipationed" et son clin d'œil au "Slave for U" de Britney Spears !) et le drone-noise, le tout dans un esprit d'improvisation cristallisant la curiosité, le gaillard a aussi joliment impressionné le microcosme local en remportant la fameuse San Francisco Laptop & Machine Music Battle de 2007. Un crack de la performance électronique loufoque donc, dont ce Let's Be Friends donne un aperçu conséquent. Drôle, épileptique, ébouriffant même dans sa faculté à lier musiques dansantes et expérimentations furibardes ("Dinner", "Dumber"), l'album parvient aussi à glisser des pistes plus elliptiques et post-ambient comme le troublant "Wet dream". Bref, on en redemande.
Laurent Catala
October 29th, 2008
Completed Track for Upcoming Christmas Album
I just finished "Oh Ho Ho" for an upcoming Daly City/Lowpro Christmas Album coming out on 1320 records this December. I hear that the cover will feature a Sears style family portrait of the peeps on the album and that we will have a sweet Christmas party to boot. I'll keep you posted as details unfold.
October 21st, 2008
Youtube Clip from Robotspeak Sessions
I have a short clip up on the Youtubes and it goes like this:
October 19th, 2008
Pictures from Robotspeak Sessions
I put up some pictures from Robotspeak Sessions. It was really fun to play. The space was cool, the crowd was cool, the other acts were cool, and we all bonded over gear. I rocked some new beats and peppered in some old stuff. There will be video coming as soon as i get audio and video all synchified. Many thanks to those who put this together.
October 6th, 2008
Robotspeak Sessions - Saturday October 18th
I'm playing a set at the Omnicircus for the return of Robotspeak Sessions along with Komega and Colfax. I hear that there will be robots. I'll prolly rock some chill stuff... at least more chill than breakcore. The venue spinds pretty trippy and the music should be explanamastic so come chiggety check it before you wreck it.
The address is:
550 Natoma Street, San Francisco
September 3rd, 2008
"Let's Be Friends" Review in Cuemix Magazine
I got a fantastically positive review from Cuemix Magazine! You can click on the pic to go to the review or just read it here:
"Maniac! Soundmaniac... Michael Carter aka Preshish Moments surprises us with his excellent debut-album released on the fantastic and innovative Daly City Records label. Hailing from Berkeley California, Michael lifes and loves crazy electronic music. In 2007 he was the winner of the San Francisco Laptop&Machine Battle. With self-made instruments and experimental sounds he left the audience with an open mouth. Now with the release of his debut-album called “Let’s Be Friends”, what a wonderful title, you become witness of his multitalented ambitions. I know you’ll maybe find this statement a little bit extreme but Michael is a kind of Electronica Hendrix. Its fun to hear how “easy” he plays his instruments and complicated breaks. A firework of excellent tracks with a genius writing and producing. Michael changes the styles so fast that you have to listen carefully to hear all these hidden treasures. From Rock to Hip Hop over to Breakcore, Jungle, House and Experimental. But even he changes the styles like a wizard the album never looses its identity and its wonderful atmosphere. The album can be enjoyed on your sofa or during travelling by car, but the tracks are also made to rock the floor! This album is a colourful journey done by a genius artist who proves that electronic instruments are not dead electronic circuits. Absolute approvable! Perfect 10"
July 23rd, 2008
"Let's Be Friends" Review from CJAM
I got a short but positive review from CJAM. You can click on the pic to go to the review or just read it here:
"Crazy cut-up sound collage electronic breakcore music that will remind you of VENETIAN SNARES. Liking this one a lot."
July 16st, 2008
"Let's Be Friends" Featured on Beatport
Not only is beatport selling my album, they're featuring it! Click on the picture and you will be wisked away to beatport.
July 1st, 2008
"Let's Be Friends" Out now on Daly City Records!
Easily the most influential album anyone has ever created. Buying it makes you more popular and listening to it makes you punch harder. Clicking on the pic will magically transport you to the Daly City Records store, where you can hear some selections and purchase the CD.
March 25, 2008
Bloodysnowman's "Bloody Buddies" - Out now on Daly City Records!
I remixed "Dead Raver Computer for Sale" and it became "Dead Raver Drugs for Sale". There are many other hot remixes by the likes of Mochipet, Build128, Xiu Xiu, Clipd Beaks, Ben Sandoval, Yoko Solo, Dino Felipe, Nommo Ogo, Pu22l3, and Heartworm, as well as 3 new Bloodysnowman tracks! Clicking on the pic will magically transport you to the Daly City Records store, where you can hear some selections and purchase the CD.
March 11, 2008
"2007 SF Laptop Machin Battle" Compilation Out now on Daly City Records!
"Best Friends" is on there along with a ton of awesome tracks by fellow battle contestants. Clicking on the pic will magically transport you to the Daly City Records store, where you can hear some selections and purchase the CD.
November 12, 2007
Winner of the 2007 San Francisco Laptop and Machine Music Battle!